
Leaf analysis

Leaf analysis -

a chemical analysis of plant tissue for determining the current nutrient content in a cultivated crop. As is well known, throughout all phases of development, a plant must contain a certain set of vital elements that affect its productivity. Analysis of plant leaves, or rather, leaf tissue, is an extremely efficient and cost-effective tool for monitoring the condition of a crop to ensure optimal conditions for its development and growth. Such analysis is of particular importance with intensive cultivation technologies, and also helps to determine the best time for crop harvesting.

plant nutrition

Leaf analysis is usually carried out along with agrochemical soil analysis. This approach makes it possible to achieve a comprehensive result and to better plan crop nutrition interventions. Soil examination helps to determine the shortage (or excess) of certain elements in the cultivated areas, but they do not give an exact answer on the total volume of plant nutrition. It is therefore necessary to carry out leaf analysis. Thus, both methods of analysis complement each other, helping farmers to get a high yield at the end of the season.

Leaf analysis consists of the following steps:

Chemical analysis of plant tissues.
Interpretation of the results.
Development of recommendations for overcoming the existing crop nutrition issues.


  • As in any other laboratory study, the success of the analysis depends primarily on the proper selection of material for analysis. It is noteworthy that the leaf selection rules must be strictly observed. TM BAST does it as follows:
  • TM BAST has a modern laboratory for high-quality and complete leaf analysis. Among the benefits of ordering such service from us, it is worth highlighting the result achievement speed, the development of effective recommendations and the relatively low analysis cost. Please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to assist you!
  • item leaves are selected by early afternoon (preferably in the morning) in the absence of dew and rainy weather
  • item there should be no dirt particles on the leaves
  • item selection is carried out in different parts of the field, the cut is done sequentially, and a professional who performs this type of work moves “in a serpentine” or “in a criss-cross” manner diagonally
  • item the correctness of the cut of the green organs of the plant depends on the phase of its development


  • • analysis of crop nutrition
  • • identification of existing problems in the life support of plants
  • The leaf analysis is carried out by selecting both healthy plants (in order to adjust the nutritional system if necessary), as well as weak and discolored crops (to make an accurate “diagnosis”).


for leaf analysis